How does it work?

The project involves a collection of 300 NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, that represent unique graphics cards on the ChiaNetwork blockchain. These NFTs have the ability to « mine » tokens on the ChiaNetwork.

To acquire one of these NFTs, individuals must purchase it with 0.15 XCH and send it to the designated address to receive their NFT (xch1yudhkzzp6rv83mxulejj57mxgqh3m32pcelz8huxdvm0zjcgzz6qwa7qn8). The NFTs are distributed entirely at random using MintGarden Studio.

The NFTs come in three types differentiated by the background color: blue, purple, and gold. There are 270 blue, 20 purple, and 10 gold NFTs in the collection. Gold NFTs mine 20% more tokens and purple ones mine 10% more than the blue ones.

Each NFT mines a certain number of tokens every day. However, a service fee of 1.5% applies to all tokens mined using the NFTs. This fee is used to cover the operational costs and maintenance of the infrastructure of the project.

Here are the mining rates for each NFT type over three years after taking into account the 1.5% service fee:

YearTotal NFTsBlue NFT (per day)Purple NFT (per day)Gold NFT (per day)
1300649 tokens713.9 tokens778.8 tokens
2600324.5 tokens356.95 tokens389.4 tokens
3900216.35 tokens237.975 tokens259.6 tokens

Note: These values are based on approximations and assumptions. There may be slight

After the first year, there is a « halving » event where the mining rate is reduced by 50%. This process repeats in the third year. Alongside each halving event, a new collection of 300 NFT graphics cards is issued, which can be purchased directly with the mined tokens. The original NFTs continue to mine at a reduced rate.